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Home » Will Proposition HH Cut Your Property Taxes in 2024?

Will Proposition HH Cut Your Property Taxes in 2024?

The non-partisan Common Sense Institute just released a website with a property tax calculator for homes in Colorado. It shows the 2022 property tax bill paid this year and what that property’s tax bill we be next January for 2023 if Proposition HH passes and if it doesn’t pass. It also shows the impact to your TABOR tax refund checks over the next 10 years if Proposition HH passes. Finally, it shows the impact of Initiative 50 that could be on the ballot in 2024 which proposes a 4% annual property tax increase cap.

For our home if Proposition HH passes we save a whopping $218 next year but our TABOR tax refund would drop by $5,119 over the next 10 years. Please be sure to share this story and link. This is also a great tool to use to be informed of a prospective home’s tax bill next year in a very easy way.
