REVV Real Estate Brokers

6 Mistakes Sellers Are Making Currently

This was a great story from that I will highlight for you. First, buyer psychology is saying “NO!” to bidding wars out of fatigue and many more homes for sale. But, seller psychology has yet to catch to this new reality. Here are some mistakes sellers are making—
·        Keeping an eligible homebuyer waiting on acceptance of their offer as the sellers hopes there will be additional offers.
·        Expecting homebuyers to bend to every whim of yours. Buyers want their inspection and appraisal rights back.
·        Skimping on the presentation of your home. It needs to look its best.
·        Accepting the highest offer if it has the wrong terms such as delayed closing. Don’t be deceived by dollar signs.
·        Pricing your home way below market value in hopes of creating a big bidding war like we had a few months ago. This could backfire on you.
·        Getting frustrated by how long it is taking for an offer to come in.

